The applicant must sign both of the small signature labels using a ball-point pen. Please take care to stay within the borders marked.

If the applicant is unable to sign, put a line through both of the small signature labels.

Your application should be accompanied by evidence of your citizenship.

Your birth certificate or Citizenship Certificate, and in the case of married women, your marriage certificate, should be submitted.

You must attach your previous travel document to your application unless it has been lost, stolen or destroyed.

With your application you should submit two recent photographs. These should be head and shoulders only, taken ‘Full Face’ without hat or tinted glasses and with a light coloured background.

All photographs should be within the dimensions of 35 mm x 45 mm.

It is essential that the person who signed the Certificate Regarding Applicant on page 3 should also endorse at the back of one photograph as follows:

'I certify this to be a genuine photograph of (name in full)', and sign.

Agents may not collect Passports on behalf of clients.

Your Passport will be forwarded by registered post unless you elect to collect it personally.

The form is fillable within Adobe Reader - you can type the details directly into the form and then print it out. To ensure best results, make sure you have the current version of Adobe Reader.

If you do not wish to fill the form in online, please ensure the form is printed and completed with a typewriter or with neat, legible writing using black ink.

Applicants under 17 years of age must furnish the consent of their parents or legal guardians on Page 2 of the "Application for a PNG Passport" form.

If you have changed your name, provide details of all previous names used.

The certificate on page 3 of the "Application for a PNG Passport" in respect of every application must be completed.

The following persons are authorised to furnish this certificate Lawyers, Medical Practitioners, Magistrates, Ministers of Religion, Commissioner of Oaths, Commissioned Officers of the Defence Force and Police Force.

The person completing the certificates must have known the applicant for at least three years.

It is essential that the person who signed the Certificate Regarding Applicant on page 3 should also endorsed the back of one photograph as follows:

'I certify this to be a genuine photograph of (name in full)', and sign.

The Declaration on page 3 of the "Application for a PNG Passport" form must be signed by the applicant, or in the case of a child unable to sign, by the lodging parent or legal guardian.