Guide to Classifications of Occupations & Industrial Divisions

Guide to Classifications of Occupations & Industrial Divisions


This Guideline is particularly important because there are certain rules surrounding the employment of foreigners in Papua New Guinea. These requirements have been part of our foreign employment laws since 1972.

The Department is very sympathetic to the needs of the business community. This Guideline has been developed in consultation with representatives of business to ensure that it does not create unnecessary impediments to doing business in our country.

On the other hand, the Department has an obligation to ensure that the work permit system also looks after the interests of Papua New Guineans and certain jobs are protected for citizens.

As a general rule, all managerial, professional and highly skilled jobs are open to non-citizen employees. Certain other occupations must be advertised in the local press first before a non-citizen worker can be engaged. Occupations which do not require a particular qualification or skill are generally reserved for citizen workers.

The arrangements outlined in these Guidelines will be reviewed regularly and, if necessary, a new Guideline may be issued from time to time.

These Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Work Permit Guideline: A General Guide to the Foreign Employment System in Papua New Guinea which can also be downloaded from this website.